Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Summer Fruits Meringue Pie

Nothing quite like beckoning on the lackadaisical harbingers of sunshine with an out-of-season triumph from Domestic Goddess

Lack of hazlenuts (and a fussy Boy) resulted in a basic (though sweetened) shortcrust base in this recipe


Frozen summer fruits replaced Redcurrants


Deep enamel pie dish replaced shallow flan dish, resulting in a soggy setting fruit layer


Nonetheless, the recipe tasted DELIRIOUSLY of summer and will definitely be wheeled out on future occasions.


Possibly even in the right season in future…

This ranked as one of the ‘far too scary to countenance attempting’ recipes in HTBADG and now that I have managed to tick it off the list, I will be working my way through the book over the course of my year of maternity leave. Something tells me this ‘baby weight’ may be a while in shifting…

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