Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kiss & Makeup

Following on from a highly successful evening project at work, I managed to sweet-talk a professional makeup artist into teaching me application techniques in advance of the W-Day. I have a good stash at home but as most of my tricks are adopted from Just 17 or watching my mum in the 80s I thought it may be a good idea to make sure I'm doing the 'right thing'.

I've been asked to compile a few images of looks that I like for us to trial... So far I have come up with these...
All images courtesy of Brides.com

Any thoughts? They're all pretty similar emphasis-on-eyes-pink-lips-subtle-cheeks type looks but I guess the difficulty is in making what's probably a pretty complicated technique look so simple.

And then staying on your face for 8 hours.

I will of course report back...

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